söndag 14 januari 2007


I decided to start blogging again after a short paus.

This blogg will be a mix between swedish and english, and a mix between diarynotes, poems and other texts. I'm very tierd of all kinds of categorizing. Both about puting myself, other people, art or texts in to categories. This is a blogg of variety.

I'm studying social anthropogy right now, but I'm at the end of a shortclass in the subject now. This spring semester I'll keep on with the project part of my Lifehistory and memory class at the university. I'm plaing to write and performe a shortplay about how the memory and our memories affects us, ecepecually us who have chosed to call ourselfs Queers or identifies us as not-heterosexuall.
I'm also going to study a eavingclass called "SouthAsia today" wish i'm looking forward to. I guess it could be a lot of good things to learn there for my journey to India that i want to do as soon as i have the money...

I'm having a two weeks break in the relatonship with my partner at the moment. It's a quite hard time ' cause I can't decide if i want to be with him or not. I'm very confused ( if i shall be onest, my life is a hell lot of confusion) and I really wish that i could make a decision... So. It's a lot of "doing-to-much-so-I-don't-think-and start to cry-days" right now.

I'm coming back later. Se ya.


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